Raghav, A tech-savvy friend of mine wrote a programming related book (a pretty thick one!). He knows that his book is good quality and he will be able to sell it without support from a big publisher. To maximize his profits, Raghav wanted to publish it on his own. Self-publishing is in upswing nowadays in India. “I have written this book and I can self publish it, but I don’t know how to get ISBN number. Big publishers have ISBN but where do they it from?”, asked Raghav. “See, although you don’t really need ISBN for publishing your book but it is good if you have it. Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN is the authority who issues ISBN numbers in India.”, I replied. I researched a bit more and gave all the available information to Raghav about how to apply for ISBN. ALSO SEE: Generate ISBN Barcodes for the ISBN Numbers You Get Today, I am bringing you the same information that I gave Raghav. With the advent of self-publishing and it’s growing popularity among writers, questions about ISBN numbers are being often asked. Here is a compilation of all the information you need to know about getting and using ISBN numbers in India.

What is ISBN Number?

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. It is a unique International Publisher’s Identifier number, which is meant for monographic publications. It identifies publisher and the title of publication. This 13 digit number is machine readable when converted into a EAN-13 barcode. You see this barcode, usually, on the back cover of books.

For what type of material can you get ISBN?

Following types of material is eligible for having an ISBN:

For what type of material ISBN will not be issued?

Is it mandatory to have ISBN number?

No, it is not mandatory to print an ISBN number on your book. You can publish your book without ISBN. But it is recommended to have ISBN because it makes your book uniquely identifiable. Also its sale becomes easier at stores where they make bill using a barcode reader. If your book will not have an ISBN bar code –it will be difficult for selling store to make bill for the purchaser of your book.

How much does ISBN cost?

Getting ISBN number in India is totally free. You don’t have to pay a single paisa for this.

Will a separate ISBN be required for hard cover book?

Yes, hardcover (hard-bound, cloth-bound, hard-back) and paperback versions of the same book require separate ISBN numbers.

Will a separate ISBN be needed for different language?

Yes. If you’re publishing the same book in a different language –you cannot use the same ISBN. You will need to assign a separate ISBN number to each of various language versions of the same book.

Who can apply for ISBN?

Any person or entity wanting to publish a book can now apply for ISBN.

Which authority issues ISBN numbers in India?

Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN is authorized to issue ISBN number in India. It is an agency under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.

How to get ISBN in India?

In order to get ISBN numbers you would need to send an application to Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN. In your application you have to provide the following information: In addition, you will also need to enclose the following along with the application form: NOTE: (as per the experience of a reader) If you want to get ISBN as an individual, you need to include a photocopy of cover of your book. Before applying for the ISBN number, you should get your front cover and back cover finalized and send the photocopy of the same.

Application form for ISBN Number

You can download the application form from authority’s website. Click here to get the ISBN application form (Latest application form download link was informed to me by my reader AP Pradeepkumar through comments section. Thank you!)

Where to send application form?

You need to send the completely filled form to the following address: Raja Ram Mohun Roy ISBN Agency Department of Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development Room No. 13, Jeevan Deep Building, 4th Floor, Parliament Street, New Delhi PIN Code: 110001 Email: [email protected] Phone: +91-11-23369668 (These new contact details were informed to me by my readers S. Bhattacharjee and Mayank Sharma through comments section. Earlier the Agency was located in R.K. Puram) NOTE: (as per the experience of readers) Many of my readers have commented that when they called the above given numbers, no one picked up the phone. Well, guys, it’s a government office and it is not surprising if they don’t pick up. The numbers are correct as per the best of my knowledge. Try calling them and PLEASE do let me know if you have any other number that works. It will benefit other readers. NOTE: (as per the experience of readers and my friends) It has also been reported that they take a lot of time in sending acknowledgement of receiving application. Most of the time you don’t get any acknowledgement. It is highly recommended that you personally visit the above mentioned office and take acknowledgement receipt after submitting application. I know it is very difficult especially if you live outside of Delhi. But that is practically how it works.

How many ISBN numbers are issued?

Earlier ISBN number used to be issued in blocks of ten (i.e. you would have to apply for at least ten ISBN numbers). But as self-publishing is becoming popular, the authority has begun to issue even a single ISBN. So, if you don’t need more, you can apply for just one ISBN number.

How much time will it take to get ISBN?

Usually, if you have provided all the details in application form, you get ISBN within 8 weeks (two months) Further to my query I need to check with you that the ISBN number I got was from my printer who purchased ISBN numbers in bulk from RAJA RAM MOHAN ROY. I Self published my book last month and used the ISBN number he gave me . So right now it is in his name and he prints several other books for people How do I go about this now do I need to register this number now under my name because it is in his name ? I need to sell my books at the book shops and through flipkart and amazon etc even internationally Please advise how to go about this how do I register it in my name and what attachments etc are needed please Regards Salma Bernard what is the meaning of paperback or hard back which is given in the application form. what is the meaning of paperback or hard back which is given in the applicaton form. Useful article. thanks! We got 10 ISBN’s in the past and I always have a question about how or who will assign the numbers to match the book so any bar code reader can identify it correctly. Please clarify this part. We have used around 6 to 7 ISBN’s and sent an email to them with book cover but really don’t know how to make the search show the books if anyone type the ISBN online anywhere. Regards Thanks a lot for putting up this site, Lalit! I recently finished writing my first novel and plan to write two more to create a trilogy, but I had already written it long back in the form of a poem. If I want to publish the poem separately from the novel, can I use the same ISBN, or do I have to apply for a separate number, or choose an ISBN from the list of ten which they provide? And finally, once I write the next two novels, can I use the ISBNs from the block of 10 provided to me? Thank you, Dariyus anikeT We submitted our books along with the filled application in March 2015, but till now we did not receive ISBN number. When I called to find the status, no one is picking the phone. It is important to our institution. What can I do? I am a copywriter in a media house. We publish a monthly Magazine on social issues & other topics related to public interest. Since I can’t figure out whether our magazine is eligible for ISSN or ISBN, I would like to know, whether a commercial “magazine” containing subjects & content of various genres, along with advertisements, is eligible for ISSN or ISBN? Since the cover and the contents of such magazines include advertisement & subscription offers, and are subjected to change with each issue… Its pretty confusing that in which eligibility criteria of the International Standards, does these magazines fall? Or what the bar codes & numbers signifies on the cover of national/international magazines like India Today, Filmfare, GQ etc… Can you please explain? In addition, I would also like to know the answers to the following: For what type of material can we get ISSN? For what type of material ISSN will not be issued? How much does ISSN cost? Will a separate ISSN be required for different versions of the magazine? (like paperback, hardbound, e-book, etc.?) Will a separate ISSN be needed for different language? Who can apply for ISSN? How many times a person/organization can apply for ISSN? Which authority issues ISSN numbers in India? How to get ISSN in India? Application form for ISSN Number Where to send application form? What Documents or formalities are required along with the application? How many ISSN numbers are issued? How much time will it take to get ISSN? I would be sincerely extremely grateful if you kindly provide me with all the related info to the above questions. Looking forward to your prompt reply. Regards, Prateek Bhawal Raipur, INDIA How can we get an ISBN which is different to the normally prescribed 97881 series for Indian publishers. We have an international address, if we use that will we get an ISBN of some other series or the typical 97881 series? Awaiting for your reply. Thanks, Vardhan Also, newly introduced reform, once you run out of ISBN.s you have to submit a copy of all your previous ISBN numbered publications, along with the fresh request for new ISBN.s My father is an author who has written more than 15 books. None of these books have an ISBN number. Once we apply and get the ISBN numbers, do we have to reprint the books? I have read something about ISBN stickers. Am I to understand that the agency will provide us with the ISBN number, after which we should get the ISBN stickers printed locally and then paste them on the books? Any idea how much the cost of printing such stickers is? I live in Gujarat. My father has prepared another book this year, which is still to be printed. We wish to get an ISBN for this book, but the cover page is not yet finalized. Suppose we prepare a cover page on our own, send it to the agency and get an ISBN number, and later, when the book gets printed, the cover page is somewhat different, will that be allowed or will they revoke the number? Also, when they ask for a cover page, do they mean the front cover alone, or the front and back covers both, on one single page? This page contains the names and numbers of the people handling the ISBN allotment. Has anyone every emailed and got a reply? Because from what I’ve read in the comments, they don’t pick up the phone, or give proper answers. The agency also requires a self-addressed envelope with postage of Rs. 39, and says “postage stamp is subject to change”. So do I have to send an envelope with Rs. 39 postage, or more? Thanks a lot. Is it possible to get ISBN for already printed book?

  1. Do we get ISBN for ebooks too? 2. Though you have mentioned about the cover page, some doubts still nag me. I have prepared the manuscript for a book titled” A Hundred Thoughts On Management, Leadership and Life”. For want of funds, I have not yet got them printed. Thus I do not have a true “live” publieshed cover page. How can I get the iSBN number? I plan only a paperback and the size is yet to be decided. Can you guide and help, please? Thank you. J Sridhar Just create a any “cover” image and submit it with the form. You can later on change the image. https://mhrd.gov.in/book-promotion-6 When you apply for an ISBN from organizations like “Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN”, they also ask you to fill the details of your book in a form. But once you’ve got the ISBN, I guess you can assign this number to any of the book as you wish. Kindly confirm is it possible to put ISBN sticker label on already printed books. What is the process to do that. ROOM NO 13, 4TH FLR, JEEVAN DEEP BLDG OPPOSITE PARLIAMENT STREET POLICE STATION PARLIAMENT STREET NEW DELHI But There is required to attach Supporting document as ‘ A Statement of the Current Account of the Applicant’. Can you explain the what is it? My second question is, we wish to published book in the name of our Educational Institutes as publisher then, What type of I D Proof we may send?
  1. Company registration certificate may be the ID proof. But I am not sure. Sorry! M/s Sunaina Events & Productions may i know how to set the price for book n how much % cost for distributor or retailor for book sell Kindly enlighten. aapkaa itani jaankari dene ke liye shukariya. dr a kirtivardhan vidhyalakshmi niketan, 53 maha lakshmi enclev, muzaffarnagar-251001 (u p) [email protected] I think you should give a phone call the RAJA RAMMOHUN ROY NATIONAL AGENCY FOR ISBN and inquire about your application.

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