What is Flipkart Affiliate Marketing

Flipkart is an Indian e-commerce website that sells all kinds of products. When you need to buy something, you can go to Flipkart, search for the desired product and purchase it by making online payment. By using affiliate marketing Flipkart leverages the web traffic which comes onto other websites. When you join this program, you become a sort of associate of the company. You display ads of Flipkart products on your website. If your visitor finds the product interesting, she will click on it and this click will take her to the Flipkart website where she can buy the product. In such a manner, if you assist in a sale, you’ll get a commission from Flipkart. That’s your earning.

Who is Eligible to Join Flipkart Affiliate Program?

Any person who has a website or blog can join the program. But to be able to make some decent income, you must have good amount of traffic on your website. “Good amount” is not a well defined term, but let me say, if you have at least 1000 unique visitors a day, then you can make some decent money by using this affiliate marketing program.

Flipkart Affiliate Program Commission

As I said earlier, Flipkart does not really offer the most attractive commission rates but still, their rates are competitive. Like other e-commerce players, Flipkart offers different commission rates for different categories of products. For example, at present, their commission rate for books is 8% and for consumer electronics they pay 4%. It is also important to note that Flipkart pays more commission if the sale takes place through your mobile app. The company is pushing towards mobile-commerce and this higher commission rate is part of their strategy. Following image shows the commission rates in various product categories (please note that these rates keep on changing from time to time, you should check Flipkart website for the latest rates):

How to Get Payment from Flipkart Affiliate

The company pays you through Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). For this you need to just have a bank account. Just fill in your bank account number, branch name, PAN number and IFSC code and you will receive payment from Flipkart whenever you’ll have Rs. 1000 or more in your earnings. If you do not have a bank account (really?!) or if you do not have PAN card, then you can also take your payment in the form of Flipkart Gift Vouchers. You can redeem these vouchers when you’ll purchase something from Flipkart. The minimum payout for gift voucher option is Rs. 250.

How to Become a Flipkart Affiliate?

If you fulfill the criteria described in the previous section, it is pretty straightforward to get started with the affiliate program. Just go to the Flipkart Affiliate Program page and register yourself. You’ll receive almost instant approval. As soon as your affiliate account is approved, you can begin your real work. Flipkart provides various types of banners and link units which you can easily integrate in your website (exactly the way you integrate Google AdSense code). But unlike Google AdSense, you affiliate programs, you advertise a specific product of your choice. Google’s algorithms take care of selecting the most appropriate available ads for your webpage, but in affiliate programs you would need to manually select products and display them on your website.

Search for the product that you want to advertise. It is advisable that you select a product related to the niche of your website. For example, if you write about mobile phones,  then you should advertise mobile phones. This approach will increase your earnings. Now that you have selected a product, it’s time to choose if you want to show it as a banner, button or link. This choice should depend on the layout of your website. You should select a format that would give you the highest click-through rate (CTR). Flipkart will give you the code for the selected advertisement. Integrate this code at the appropriate place and that’s it! Now sit back and enjoy counting money.

How Much Can You Earn from Flipkart Affiliate?

People often ask this question as they want to assess and measure their aspirations. How much money you can earn from Flipkart Affiliate depends mostly on the amount of traffic you get on your website. In addition, it also depends on the type of product you’re advertising, CTR rate and time of the year etc. If you’ve a website with decent amount of traffic, I think it is easily possible to earn Rs. 5000 every month. Rs. 5000 may not sound a big amount but you need to understand that this is purely passive income. This means, you don’t have to do anything after implementing the code. In contrast, blogging is an active method of earning money online.

When does Flipkart Pays Affiliates?

Flipkart works on NET 30 method. This means that you will get paid after 30 days of reaching the minimum payout threshold. For example, if your commission income becomes Rs. 1000 or more on August 1, you will receive payment in your bank account on August 31.

Tips for Increasing Income from Flipkart Affiliate

Select the right product to advertise. Try to pick the products related to your website’s content Select the right type of ads. Banners tend to do better than buttons and links —but not always! Experiment with location of the ad to find optimal CTR rate Don’t be complacent or lazy. Keep on increasing your website traffic Be patient. Don’t expect to be a millionaire overnight!

I hope this information was useful for you. Now you’re equipped with all the information you need to start making money from Flipkart Affiliate program by earning commissions. However, if you still have any question on this topic, please feel free to ask me through the comments section. I will try my best to help you. Thank you for using TechWelkin! Thanks for a very informative article on Affiliate Marketing. Please let me know if it is possible to be a affiliate marketer with two or more such e stores simultaneously on the same website that has good traffic? or it is mandatory that we only can deal with a single choice in a given website? Thanks in advance. If we run a campaign in Facebook with the Flipkart affiliate link. Would we still be eligible for commission? Comment * Name * Email * Website


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