Since it is a preview version, it is only meant for testing, so that the public is ready for any changes that may impact their work before the final version is released. That being said, we strongly recommend you do not install it in any live/production environment. If you already have a stable version of Windows PowerShell running on your machine, installing the preview version will not affect it, and both could run simultaneously. However, if an older preview version of PowerShell is installed, it will automatically be overwritten with the newer preview version. You can download and install PowerShell 7.3 Preview 3 using the given guide below. Before that, let us discuss the new improvements.

Changes and Improvements

We have highlighted significant improvements in this preview release:

Changes and Improvements Download PowerShell 7.3 Preview 5 For Windows 11, 10, 8.1, and 7 For MacOS For Linux How to Install PowerShell 7.3 Preview 5 Closing Words

[Engine]Improvements have been made to type inference and completions.Make Out-String and Out-File keep string input unchanged.Make AnsiRegex able to capture Hyperlink ANSI sequences.The -ConfigurationFile command-line parameter has been added to pwsh to support local session configuration.The native library loading for osx-arm64 has been fixed.The formatting will now act appropriately when the style of the table header or list label is an empty string.[General Cmdlet Updates]Various completion issues inside the param block have been addressed.The Amended switch to has been added to the Get-CimClass cmdlet.Improvements have been made to the completion of operators.The array element completion for command arguments has been improved.Now use AST extent for PSScriptRoot path completion.Type inference support for generic methods with type parameters has been addedWrite out the OSC indicator only if the stdout is not redirected.Remove the assert and use a relatively larger capacity to cover the possible increase of .NET reference assemblies.The reference assembly count has been increased to 161.

With these improvements, Microsoft currently has not disclosed any known issues. To learn more about these fixes and improvements, read the Release Notes.

Download PowerShell 7.3 Preview 5

You can download PowerShell 7.3 Preview 5 from the direct download links below.

For Windows 11, 10, 8.1, and 7

PowerShell-7.3.0 Preview 5 for Windows 64-bit.msi [80.5 MB] PowerShell-7.3.0 Preview 5 for Windows 32-bit.msi [75.7 MB]

For MacOS

PowerShell-7.3.0 Preview 5 for MacOS 64-bit.pkg [43.8 MB] PowerShell-7.3.0 Preview 5 for MacOS ARM64.pkg [42.3 MB]

For Linux

PowerShell-7.3.0 Preview 5 for RedHat Linux.rpm [44.0 MB] PowerShell-7.3.0 Preview 5 for Debian.deb [44.3 MB] For more download options, please check out this download page.

How to Install PowerShell 7.3 Preview 5

Here is how you can install Windows PowerShell 7.3 Preview 5 on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, and Windows 7: Learn more about PowerShell and PowerShell Core. You can also download and install PowerShell over the network.

Closing Words

As we previously highlighted, this is a preview release of the command-line tool, which is why we suggest that you do not install it in a live environment. It is primarily targetted for the developers who need to test their applications beforehand so that when the stable version is released, their products are compatible with one another.