What Happens if You Don’t Upload Videos Consistently?

We have seen in several YouTube channels that if there is a significant gap between uploads — YouTube traffic goes down. This happens more significantly if your videos are highly suggested by YouTube. It makes us believe that  YouTube algorithm takes the upload consistency also into account while deciding which videos to recommend. We have seen that both watch-time and subscriber count begins to falls if you do not upload a new video for, let’s say, a couple of weeks. For big channels with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, this downward turn may be a little less harsh but for smaller channels — it can be clearly seen.

OK, so, what to do to?

We believe that it is important to space-out your video uploads uniformly across a week or month. Do not upload a bunch of videos in one day and then nothing for next several weeks. YouTube wants you to maintain a continuity in uploading new videos. So, even if you have many videos ready and you can upload them right now, it is better to upload them one by one on different days.

Is there an optimal frequency of uploads?

Well, not really. Even if such an optimal frequency exists, only YouTube knows about it. However, as a guide, most people believe that uploading at least two videos every week is a healthy upload frequency for YouTube. You may follow it. The important thing is to maintain uniformity. YouTube is enforcing it probably because it does not want your subscribers to wait for long for another great video from your workshop! We hope that this tip would prove to be helpful in your channel management. Stay connected with TechWelkin! Comment * Name * Email * Website


Consistent Video Upload is Important for YouTube Channel - 90Consistent Video Upload is Important for YouTube Channel - 64