Although, you should avoid sharing any personal information on Facebook, but here is a list of five things that I think you must not reveal on Facebook. These are sensitive pieces of information which can compromise your Facebook account security: Although it may sound a bit paranoid –but don’t share your pet’s name on Facebook if that is what you are using as password! A recent survey has shown that about 15% people on FB use their pets’ name as their password. You must not use a weak password for any of your online accounts. Anything that is guessable is a weak password! Don’t reveal your Mother’s maiden name in your status updates or profile information. This is frequently asked security question when you register online (e.g. with your bank) Name of your first school is also something you should keep as private as possible because this too is an often used security question. As we discussed in the above mentioned article on 30 safety tips for women users on FB, it is recommended that you don’t disclose your travel plans –especially if you live alone –or if you’re going to go to a secluded place for vacation. Such information may be misused by people with bad intentions. You may want to reveal your date of birth on Facebook. This helps in your friends getting a information when it is your birthday. And you receive loads of good wishes. But try to keep your birth year private –this will give you some degree of safety as complete and exact date of birth is a sensitive information in present day internet era. You may be thinking that these suggestions are a bit too much. You may be right, but you must understand that in virtual world information is everything. A little carelessness can cause big problems in online life. I hope these tips were found to be useful. If you want to discuss anything in this regard, please feel free to comment! Comment * Name * Email * Website


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